Friday, August 17, 2012

Emily Vanderuff Outfits

I like Emily a lot. Originally she was probably going to be my most hated and Felicia would be my most favorite, but as it turns out, the exact opposite has happened, hah.

But, I will say I had high hopes for Emily's designs- they were very clear in my head, but they came out less than spectacular. But, that's a bit befitting, considering all her clothes are hand-me-downs or cheap, considering her family's situation.

My second most favorite outfit, her Beta.
Very closely to second most favorite, my third most favorite outfit, Theta.

This was originally going to be one of my favorites, but it came out so bad looking. It's just a denim romper with a white-blue French cuff shirt. I know my fashion and I love my fashion and can draw realistic fashion concepts, but when it comes to making reality into this cartoonish style I have little experience with, it's a bit difficult.
This was another one that was originally going to look much better than intended. Ah well. Probably my least favorite, closely behind her Delta outfit.
Ah, finally, her Omega outfit. My favorite, simply because it started out looking horrid but I think I made it look so good. I am a bit on the fence of how saggy and baggy her clothes are; yes, it is an excuse to allow me to keep my natural mistakes in (some of them, at least) but it also looks a bit odd. Hm, well, I just guess I'll have to depend on the opinion of the readers to know if it's a good design or not.

Also, in case you're wondering, the outfits go in order of Beta>Theta>Delta>Kappa>Omega (Beta being the first outfit I drew, to Omega being the last) for no reason other than those were the only Greek letter names I could readily remember, and I know only Omega is in its proper place. I'm more of a Latin girl myself, being fluent in it, but naming each one prima, secunda, etc would probably be confusing to some.

Also, I made a to-do list today and I will be trying to work some more on the scripts soon. I haven't slept in about 38 hours, and I don't see myself sleeping for another 16 or so.  

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