Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My very first post.

This blog is to show progress on this little thing called a visual novel, which is where you live vicariously through someone else and fall in love with pixels on your screen. Or you don't, and you just enjoy the game. That happens too.

Wow, I'm terrible at blogging already...

Anyways, I will be posting the beta artwork for each girl, brushing up on my HTML skills I have rarely ever had to use, posting things about the script, and talking about the video games I am currently playing.

Speaking about video games I am currently playing, I am playing a host of VN's, Katamari Damacy, and... Rage of Bahamut. Hm, which one of those doesn't belong? [my referral code in Rage of Bahamut is iez24858, by the way, you should totally use it... aaaaand I also offer alt accounts using your referral code but that is business best dealt through my email, haha]

To contact me, you can email me at my primary email address

You can contact me on my dA, on lemmasoft, on, or anywhere else you happen upon me for whatever reason.

I will be changing the template/layout of the blog soon, but for now, deal with this nice yet generic little thing, ha.

So I'll leave the question I've asked before: what games do you enjoy the most/what games are you playing right now?

Links to: [lemmasoft forum topic]  [deviantart page]

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